2019-3-20 · 今天装CentOS 7,在网络配置上花费了很大精力,终于搞好了。一步一步的,“ip addr”命令可以正常显示,但是ping www.baidu.com 报name or service not known。让人煞费苦心,查了很多资料,百度,谷歌,最终终于解决好。一:需要把虚拟机的网络连接设置

ssh name or service not known? - LinuxQuestions.org 2006-9-8 LInux因为缺失网关出现Name or service not … service network restart 仍然ping不通 www.baidu.com,出现异常Name or service not known 将异常名作为关键字搜索出来的解决方法中几乎都是教笔者上面的步骤。后来以“ping 不通外网”来搜索出来的帖子有了解决方案,详细欢迎点击链接。 linux-Linux ssh: Could not resolve hostname …

Re: ssh can't resolve hostname : Name or service not known The port is closed, either avahi isn't running or it's faulty or you're blocking the port w/ some iptables rule (at that time) As for the "it's rather an DNS query issue", compare the /etc/nsswitch.conf of the systems (ie. the one that fails to resolve the domain compared to those

Subject: Re: Bug#730853: ERROR: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 10:38:40 +0100 On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 9:17 AM, Adnan Hodzic wrote: > I reconfigured the DNS entries and it worked out just fine. centos7 ping不通 name or service not known-懂 … 2018-11-3 · centos7 ping不通 name or service not known, 最近打算为centos安装一个界面时,发现不能上网。ping www.baidu.com 报name or service not known。 原来网络配置没设好。 一、选择VMWare的NAT模式。 1)导航栏“编辑”->“虚拟网络编辑器” ->NAT getaddrinfo: Name or service not known (SocketError

search domain.name nameserver nameserver nameserver Note, in the first line, you can also use your router's IP address, for example (nameserver in my case) which will make other systems pingable on the same network. It's not a good idea to generate resolv like this, but I had a bad time with the

java - unknown - socket gaierror errno name or service not (or whatever is your host name) In AWS EC2, when you install Cassandra you can have this problem because of the initially configured hostname which is set to ip-x … “ntpq -pn” command returns with error “Name or service not That said, in RHEL6, the name “localhost” maps to both and the IPv6 loopback ::1, so while removing the line in RHEL6 would be a bad idea, it would likely not cause ntpq to fail. could not be resolved: Name or service not … 2020-04-21T03:49:38.905652Z 5694 [Warning] [MY-010055] [Server] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name or service not known 起初很是头疼,数据库一张表好像被锁,无法尽心操作,最后在网上查到相关的信息才发现是 DNS 反向查询的问题 #730853 - ERROR: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known